I've grabbed a few minutes of scrappy time and want to share a Christmas layout with you all. The pictures are from Christams 2011. My youngest daughter is missing from the pictures because she was in Texas with her grandparents.
Santa Claus (my husband) visits our house annually on Christmas morning; this tradition started with my youngest son's first Christmas and has continued since. On this Christmas morning, my youngest was so excited to see Santa; he was all smiles. I love the group shot, the kids were acting goofy....which is the norm for my house!!!
The Christmas papers are from really old paper collections that I've had for years. I distressed the edges of all three papers, added a little stitching, a chipboard Santa, fussy cut holly leaves, a journal block and the chipboard title. I added X-mas Red stickles to the title and the holly berries in the top right corner. A quick and simple holiday layout.
My little scrappy break is just about over, I gotta finish the turkey and all the sides, before my kids "die" of starvation!! Merry Christmas again!